My passion is helping organisations transform the workplace culture they have into the workplace culture they want
because people deserve great workplaces, and workplaces deserve great people.
I will inspire your leaders and teams to be Authentic – to align the things they do, think, say and decide with the workplace culture you are striving to create
I have spent three decades developing leaders,
building teams and shaping high performance workplace cultures for my clients – while also being an executive leader myself, which means my messages are grounded in reality and lived experience.

My keynote presentations are packed with relatable messages that your people will apply to create exceptional workplaces and outstanding results, demystify and transform workplace culture, and develop the leadership that your organisation, your teams and your people need.
As a learning professional, I understand just how critical relevance is – no matter how inspiring the presentation, unless your people can connect the message with their everyday reality, nothing will change. I work with you to customise a presentation for your event and to hit the notes that your people need to hear. These are some of my most popular keynotes.

In 2019, I created the Authenticity Culture Transformation framework, a process that takes the mystery and complexity out of culture change – and that engages leaders and teams in shaping great workplace cultures.
Demystify, Strategise & Transform Your Workplace Culture
Take the mystery out of workplace culture and learn our proprietary strategic framework to create a culture that delivers outstanding outcomes for the people you serve, exceptional experiences for team members, and sustained excellence in bottom line results.
Your people will learn the keys to building accountability and making your ideal workplace culture a reality – by aligning what people do, say, think and decide with the culture you want for your team and organisation.
The Authentic Leader
Unlock the key to navigating the contrasts that define great leadership: genuinely caring for people but still holding them accountable; being both strong and vulnerable; setting high expectations while also demonstrating gratitude; having courage without arrogance; accepting fallibility while striving for high standards.
The Lightning Rod
Leaders are human too! Constant questioning of decisions, resistance to ideas and change, the need to have challenging conversations, and dealing with unhappy people all take their toll on leaders. This session provides a ‘survival pack’ of mindsets and approaches to help leaders thrive in challenging environments.
Authenticity Culture Shaping Framework
In 2019, after more than two decades working with corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations all over the world, I created the Authenticity (link to animation) framework. It was the culmination of extensive research and decades working with leaders and workplace culture in thousands of organisations.
As CEO of The Real Learning Experience, my team and I implement the Authenticity framework to help organisations transform the workplace culture they have, into the workplace culture they want.
With over 30 years experience as a professional learning facilitator
I am a keynote speaker, executive leader, podcaster and entrepreneur, with a love of writing great books. I speak and write about workplace culture and leadership because I am passionate about them. The novels? I write those for fun!
Simon's Companies
Event Resources
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Everything you need for an authentic presentation
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